Somewhere out there, a golf swing exists. It is not an ordinary golf swing that you, or I, possess within our very beings. Neither is it a golf swing that Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson or any top pro can show you.
What we are talking about, indeed, is the holy grail of golf swings. The one that works every time at every swing of your golf club, be it a driver or iron.
It is a golf swing that works no matter what the conditions, whether right-handed or left-handed, whether you are impressing your mates on the local course or driving on the 18th on the fourth day at St Andrews with the Open title at stake.
This is the time when we are no longer men or women. We are machines. We just flick a switch and our perfect golf swing puts the ball where we want it to be on the fairway or green. No questions asked, our golf swing just does as it is told.
As I wake up from this blissful dream, I realise that golf swing utopia is as realistic as the munchkins that live over the rainbow.
Still, while Oz maybe be fantasy, there are millions of golfing wizards out there who can help me, and each other, fine-tune our arms, torso, hips, legs and, of course, grip, to create a golf swing for the ages.
So please, join me in this blogging adventure where I hope to have news, views, tips, advice, products, reviews and much debate on how we all, together, can take our golf swings to levels never achieved before.
Happy swinging.
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